Hirashima Takeshi | Diabetes Center, Ebina General Hospital, Japan
論文 | ランダム
- クローン病 (ワークブック形式で症例別にレッスン! 栄養アセスメント&ケアプラン) -- (症例で学ぶ栄養アセスメントと栄養療法)
- NICU入院児の聴力についての検討
- Ground - based millimeter - wave observations of ozone in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere over Tsukuba
- Polar Vortex Meandering and Stratospheric Aerosol Distribution : Lidar Measurements at Fairbanks, Alaska
- Variations of Volcanic Aerosols Observed in Fukuoka-A Comparison of Mt. El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo Events-