池亀 美華 | 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科生体機能再生・再建学講座口腔形態学分野,岡山大学歯学部先端領域研究センター,
論文 | ランダム
- Novel Extended Linear Structure of Decavanadate Anions Linked by Bis(4 - Pyridinium) Disulfide (H_2dpds), {(H_2dpds)_2[V_O_(OH)_2]・10H_2O}_n
- Syntheses and Structures of Zn Coordination Polymers with 4, 4' - Bipyridine and 4, 4' - Azopyridine, Effect of Counter Anions on the Network System
- Heterodinuclear Complex Cp^*Ru(CO)_2 Co(CO)_4 (Cp^*=η^5-C_5Me_5) Induced Selective Dimerization of Terminal Alkynes
- Crystal Structure of a Tris(dithiolene)Vanadium(IV)Complex Having Unprecedented D_ Symmetry
- [II]大気汚染の自動連続測定法(大気汚染)(第10回日本薬学会関東支部大会)