金谷 さとみ | 社会医療法人博愛会 菅間記念病院
論文 | ランダム
- 滋賀県多賀町の古琵琶湖層群から発見されたアケボノゾウStegodon aurorae(Matsumoto)の発掘
- 203. 古琵琶湖層群から産出した下部更新世のシカ類化石
- Generalization of NMDA-Receptor Antagonists to the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of κ-Opioid Receptor Agonists U-50,488H, but Not TRK-820 in Rats
- Potential Anxiolytic and Antidepressant-Like Activities of SNC80, a Selective δ-Opioid Agonist, in Behavioral Models in Rodents
- Lack of μ-Opioid Receptor-Mediated G-Protein Activation in the Spinal Cord of Mice Lacking Exon 1 or Exons 2 and 3 of the MOR-1 Gene