島田 伸一 | 摂南大学理工学部基礎理工学機構
摂南大学理工学部基礎理工学機構 | 論文
- Generalized factorization method for the overlap problem in a matrix model with complex action
- 23pWA-8 教員養成課程の学生を対象とした物理嫌いについての実態調査(23pWA 物理教育,領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
- 28aZF-5 Dynamical generation of gauge group in matrix models(素粒子論)
- 30aXB-7 Monte Carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in a matrix model with the complex action
- 11pSC-2 Generalized factorization method for the overlap problem in a matrix model with complex action