Fujioka Y. | Pathology,Hokkaido University:Dept of Pathology, Kyorin University
論文 | ランダム
- トラスの最適設計
- 13. 金属焼付陶材冠の審美的なマージン処理法(オレンジカラーテクニック)について(昭和60年度日本補綴歯科学会関西支部会学術大会講演要旨)
- 20. 接着性レジンを応用した補綴
- Development of Polarization Distribution in Fatigued Films of Ferroelectric Vinylidene Fluoride/Trifluoroethylene Copolymer(Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Kinetics of the Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Transition of Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene Studied by Time Evolution of Dielectric Permittivity