木之瀬 隆 | 日本医療科学大学 保健医療学部 リハビリテーション科
論文 | ランダム
- 衛14-15 : 20 長期メインテナンス患者に発現する問題点とその対策
- 薬物相互作用I : 配合鎮痛薬のマウスへの反復投与による薬理作用および薬物代謝酵素活性への影響
- Drug Interactions. I. Effects of Repeated Administration of Combined Analgesic on Its Pharmacological Activity and on Hepatic Drug-metabolizing Enzyme Activities in Mice
- Effect of Drugs on Human Erythrocytes. II. A Possible Mechanism of Drug-induced Hemolysis
- Effect of "Drugs for Liver Disease" on Hepatotoxic Action of Carbon Tetrachloride. IV. Relationship between Fatty Acid Composition of Phospholipids and Drug Monooxygenation Activity in Rat Liver Microsomes and Role of Phosphorylcholine