荒巻 森一朗 | 九州大学大学院 総合理工学研究院 助教・工博
論文 | ランダム
- Facile synthesis and evaluation of antitumor and antiviral activities of thiadiazolopyrimidines (8-thiapurines) and 4-β-D-ribofuranosylthiadiazolopyrimidines
- Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis : a mysterious disease in patients with renal failure : role of Gadolinium-based contrast media in causation and the beneficial effect of intravenous sodium thiosulfate
- Behavior of Nitrite Oxidizers in the Nitrification/Denitrification Process for the Treatment of Simulated Coke-Oven Wastewater
- Involvement of Radical Species in Inactivation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Saline Solutions by Direct-Current Electric Treatment(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- テトラチオン酸イオンのシアン分解とチオ硫酸イオンおよびチオシアン酸イオンのイオンクロマトグラフィーに基づくテトラチオン酸イオンの分析法