AMITANI Hiroshige | Department of Metallurgy, The University of Tokyo
Department of Metallurgy, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- IS-69 Strategy for massive postpartum pulmonary embolism : outcome comparison between 2 cases and review of literature(Group9 Perinatology2,International Session)
- On ε-optimality theorems and ε-duality theorems for convex semidefinite optimization problems with conic constraints (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Phase-field Model for Solidification of Ternary Alloys
- Phase-field model for solidification of ternaryalloys
- Numerical Simulation of the Critical Velocity for Particle Pushing/Engulfment Transition in Fe-C alloys Using a Phase-field Model