WATANABE Hiroshi | Department of Pediatrics, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics, Kyorin University School of Medicine | 論文
- 肺動脈絞扼術後における肺動脈 Windkessel size の臨床的意義について
- 重症心室口隔欠損における体血管床ウインドケッセル容量減少の臨床的意義
- SURGICAL REPAIR OF PERSISTENT TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS IN THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE : Congential Heart Disease : 46th Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- Effects of heart rate and right ventricular pressure on right coronary arterial flow and its systolic versus diastolic distribution in a variety of congenital heart diseases in children
- Direct Arteriovenous Fistula between the Posterior Cerebral Artery and the Basal Vein in an Infant Treated by Embolization