Shimamoto Kazuaki | ()
Sakamoto Kazuhiko
Division Of Internal Medicine Saito Hospital
Shimada Kazuyuki
山口大学 医学系研究科器官病態内科学
Shimada Kazuyuki
Shirato Kunio
山口大学 医学系研究科器官病態内科学
Shimamoto Kazuaki
札幌医科大学 医学部内科学第二
Shimamoto Kazuaki
Shirato K
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Sapporo Medical University
Kawano Satoru
Medicine Of Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Science University
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Shimamoto K
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Sapporo Medical University
- Optical Coherence Tomography as a Novel Diagnostic Tool for Distal Type Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
- Increased heart rate variability during sleep is a predictor for future cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Identification of New Prognostic Factors of Pulmonary Hypertension
- Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension, Lactic Acidosis, and Rapidly Evolving Multiple Organ Failure as Manifestations of Shoshin Beriberi
- Prediction of Chronic Renal Insufficiency After Coronary Angiography by an Early Increase in Oxidative Stress and Decrease in Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Hypertension Promotes Phosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase and Proline-Rich Tyrosine Kinase 2 in Rats : Implication for the Pathogenesis of Hypertensive Vascular Disease
- Acceleration of Ca^ Waves in Monocrotaline-Induced Right Ventricular Hypertrophy in the Rat
- A Sodium Channel Blocker, Pilsicainide, Produces Atrial Post-Repolarization Refractoriness through the Reduction of Sodium Channel Availability
- The Relationship between Optimization for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy by Measurement of dp/dt and the Middle-to-long-term Prognosis of Heart Failure Patients
- Associations of metabolic factors, especially serum retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), with blood pressure in Japanese : the Tanno and Sobetsu study