立野 喜代太 | 九州大学農学部附属農場
九州大学農学部附属農場 | 論文
- Analyses of Accumulation of Silica in the Growth of Two Tropical Forages using Simple Equations
- Forage Growth Analysis, Forage Digestion Analysis and Ruminant Growth Analysis as related using Simple Equations
- Accumulation of Digestible Materials with Growth of Forages and Digestion of Forage Dry Matter by in vitro Incubation with Rumen Fluid and Pepsin
- Net Assimilation Rate of Forages and Forage Intake of Ruminants as Related using a Hypothetic Equation Suggested to Growth Analysis of both Forages and Ruminants
- Two Different-Type Equations of Relative Growth Analysis for both Forages and Ruminants and Deriving of them from A Hypothetic Equation