岩瀬 勝彦 | Department of pediatrics Nagoya University School of Medicine
Department of pediatrics Nagoya University School of Medicine | 論文
- Genetic Analysis of Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome : Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Patients Carrying Identical SBDS Mutations
- Effects of formaldehyde, as an indoor air pollutant, on the airway
- Cross-allergenicity between Aspergillus restrictus, Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria alternata determined by radioallergosorbent test inhibition
- Cross-allergenicity between Aspergillus restrictus, Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria alternata determined by radioallergosorbent test inhibition
- Two Sensitive Sick-building Syndrome Patients Possibly Responding to p-Dichlorobenzene and 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol : Case Report