芳賀 正憲 | コスモロジック
論文 | ランダム
- Lattice dynamics and thermodynamical properties of silicon nitride polymorphs
- Fabrication and wear properties of TiN nanoparticle-dispersed Si_3N_4 ceramics(SiAlons and Non-oxides)
- Spark plasma sintering of Si_3N_4-B_4C composites(SiAlons and Non-oxides)
- Corrosion behavior of reaction bonded Si_3N_4-SiC and SiAlON-SiC composites in simulated aluminum smelting conditions(SiAlons and Non-oxides)
- 2.45 GHz microwave sintered Si_3N_4-ZrO_2 composites(SiAlons and Non-oxides)