Akira YAMAGUCHI | ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories
ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories | 論文
- Snowfield Test of Wristwatch-type Microwave Beacons and Hand-Held Direction-of-Arrival Finders, Vol.J86-B,No.2, pp.219-225
- An Opportunistic Forwarding Scheme Exploiting both Long Progress and Adaptive Rate in Wireless Networks
- Exploiting Potential Throughput Metric for Access Point Selection in Wireless LANs
- B-21-43 Experiment of the LHA-AODV routing protocol(B-21. アドホックネットワーク, 通信2)
- B-21-42 LHA-AODV with Optimized Local Update(B-21. アドホックネットワーク, 通信2)