榊原 宣 | Department of Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Daini Hospital
論文 | ランダム
- 逢坂 昭, 阪口玄二: 科学者のための英文手紙文例集, Pt. 1, 講談社, 東京, 1981, xviii+234ページ, 2,500円.
- まえがき (高橋秀俊教授追悼)
- Higher-Order Path Orders Based on Computability(Foundations of Computer Science)
- Carbon isotopic compositions of individual long-chain n-fatty acids and n-alkanes in sediments from river to open ocean: Multiple origins for their occurrence
- 多重な役割が従事者の心理的健康に及ぼす影響 : 文献に基づくフレームワークの構築