横山 隆 | 石川勤労老医療協会城北病院外科
論文 | ランダム
- 横断掃気型2サイクル機関における掃気過程のシミュレ-ション解析
- B-1-67 Directional Channel Estimation with an ESPAR Antenna Employing the SAGE Algorithm
- PD-4 Basic data obtained by accepted techniques support guidelines:A case report of the Collaborative Study Group for the Micronucleus Test(CSGMT)
- Sexing of Bovine Embryos with Male-Specific Repetitive DNA by Polymerase Chain Reaction : Characterization and Mapping of Bovine Male-Specific and Gender-Neutral Repetitive DNA
- Comparison of 5' Upstream Regions of Chicken and Quail Aromatase Genes