松岡 太郎 | 大阪府感染症発生動向調査解析評価小委員会(大阪府・大阪市・堺市・東大阪市・高槻市・豊中市・枚方市)
論文 | ランダム
- Donor to Acceptor Electron Transfer in Germanium at Low Temperatures
- Magnetoplasma Interference Effect on the Microwave Cyclotron Resonance Lineshape in Highly Excited Germanium : -Reinterpretation of "Excitonic Polaron"-
- New Cyclotron Resonance Absorption Peaks in Germanium under High Excitation
- Time-Resolved Cyclotron Resonance Analysis of Electron-Exciton Interaction in Silicon
- Effects of Positively Charged Acceptor Centers on Cyclotron Resonance in p-Type Silicon