Yamauchi Yasutaka | Cardiovascular Center, Takatsu General Hospital
論文 | ランダム
- Magnetic property enhancement of melt-spun Pr_2Fe_B_3 ribbons with dilute Ti substitution
- High performance Co-Zr-B melt-spun ribbons
- As-quenched and nanocrystallized structure for Nb-poor Fe-Nb-B-P-Cu soft magnetic alloys melt spun in air
- 天理大学付属天理図書館所蔵「裁判心得」(二・完) : 十八世紀後半の京都町奉行所関係文書(高田昭正教授 退任惜別記念号)
- Computation of multiple eigenvalues of infinite tridiagonal matrices