渡辺 義男 | Anat. Labor of Prof. H. SETO, Tohoku University
論文 | ランダム
- 代替性・補完性を考慮した業務交通と通信パターンの重力モデル
- 輸送費用の減少が都市郡システムに及ぼす影響のシミュレーション分析
- Immunomodulating activity of aβ-glucan preparation, SCG, extracted from a culinary-medicinal mushroom, Sparassis crispa Wulf. : Fr (Aphyllophoromycetidae), and application to cancer patients
- SCG10-related neuronal growthassociated proteins in neural development, plasticity, degeneration and aging
- Notes on computing peaks in k-levels and parametric spanning trees