杉田 洋一 | 済生会宇都宮病院, 栃木県救命救急センター心臓血管外科
論文 | ランダム
- 489. PCR法を用いたDNA検出の研究(第11報)パラフィン包埋組織切片からのEBウイルスの検出
- The construction of chaotic maps on dendrites which commute to continuous maps with positive topological entropy on the unit interval (Problems and applications in General and Geometric Topology)
- Continuous maps of dendrites with finite branch points and nonwandering sets (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)
- The construction of $P$-expansive maps of regular continua : A geometric approach (Unsolved Problems and its Progress in General・Geometric Topology)
- M-3Hの飛しょう保安