三鴨 廣繁 | 愛知医科大学病院感染制御部微生物検査室
論文 | ランダム
- パーチャネル実装における自然空冷特性
- LPSによるインターフェロン産生のシグナル伝達
- Analysis of the Factors in Determining Radiosensitivity in Mammalian Cdls by Using Radio-Sensitive and -Resistant Clones Isolated from HeLa S3 Cells in Vitro
- Analyses of Radioprotective Action and Cytotoxicity of Various Sulfhydryl Compounds in Cultured Mouse L Cells
- Analyses of Differential Sensitivities of Synchronized HeLa S 3 Cells to Radiations and Chemical Carcinogen during the Cell Cycle. 1. Establishment of optimum conditions for obtaining a large highly purified synchronized population.