島田 賢也 | 広大放射光センター
論文 | ランダム
- Classification and Diagnostic Output Prediction of Cancer Using Gene Expression Profiling and Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
- Aptasensor for oncoprotein platelet-derived growth factor detection on functionalized diamond surface by signal-off optical method
- Detrimental effects of high levels of antioxidant vitamins C and E on placental function : Considerations for the Vitamins in Preeclampsia (VIP) trial
- Scientific Goals of the Topical Team on Vibration in Granular Media : (The physics with the future VIP_Gran Instrument)
- Preparation for the VIP-CRIT Space Experiment on the ISS : An Analysis of MIR Experiments and Ground-Based Studies of Heat Transfer and Phase Separation in Near-Critical Fluid