関澤 憲夫 | 岩手県商工会連合会
論文 | ランダム
- 分子生物学的手法による前庭代償分子機構の解明 -Differential Display法を用いて
- Transverse Structure of the Nucleon and Multiparton Interactions(High Energy Strong Interactions 2010-Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter-)
- First Results from the ALICE Experiment at LHC(High Energy Strong Interactions 2010-Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter-)
- Experimental Aspects of Diffraction in Hadronic Physics(High Energy Strong Interactions 2010-Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter-)
- Applications of Hadronic Interaction Models to Cosmic Rays, RHIC, and LHC(High Energy Strong Interactions 2010-Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter-)