北村 充晴 | (株)プライド:(現)岩手県立大学大学院
論文 | ランダム
- Environmental Preservation Activities of Shinagawa Refractories Co., Ltd
- 削れを考慮した岩盤下連続面のせん断挙動解析
- ERRINGTON, M., Geschichte Makedoniens, Munchen, 1986. 294 pp., A History of Macedonia, trans, by C Errington, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1990., x+320 pp. 40.25$) / HAMMOND, N. G. L., The Macedonian State : The Origins, Institutions and History, Oxford, 198
- CARTLEDGE, P., Agesilaos and the Crisis of Sparta., Pp.xii+508, Duckworth, London, 1987.
- SALMON, J. B., Wealthy Corinth. A History of the City to 338 B.C., Pp. xviii+464, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984