岡田 喜義 | 通商産業省工業技術廰電氣試驗所大阪支所
論文 | ランダム
- Structure and Mechanics Study of Slider Design for 5-15 nm Head-Disk Spacing (Special Issue on Information Storage Technologies for the 21st Century)
- Stress Induced by Flash Temperature During Head-Disk Impact and Its Influence on Magnetic Degradation (第4回アジア情報記録技術シンポジウム〔英文〕)
- Modeling of Off-Track Ber Performance of AMR and GMR Heads (第4回アジア情報記録技術シンポジウム〔英文〕)
- Stress induced by flash temperature during Head-Disk impact and its influence on magnetic degradation
- 下腹神経および陰部神経の括約部尿道支配に関する検討 : 第178回東北地方会