杉浦 康夫 | 名古屋大学医学部解剖学第一講座
名古屋大学医学部解剖学第一講座 | 論文
- 消化管自律運動の遺伝子基盤と病態
- 単抗体ACK2投与マウスにおけるc-Kit免疫陽性細胞の変動
- Differences in the density of sympathetic nerve fibers in the arteriolar walls of the rat extensor digitorum longus muscle
- A Smooth Muscle Nodule Producing 10-12 Cycle/Min Regular Contractions at the Mesenteric Border of the Pacemaker Area in the Guinea-Pig Colon
- Nitrinergic Nerves Controlling Pacemaker Activities of the Inner Sublayer (P-layer) in the Canine Proximal Colon Circular Muscles