Taketsugu Tetsuya | Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ.
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. | 論文
- 1P-099 哺乳類消化用リゾチームのペプシン耐性と立体構造の安定性(蛋白質・物性(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P083 ヒト由来機能未知タンパク質ZNF821における23アミノ酸からなるタンデムリピートドメインSTPRの機能解析(蛋白質-機能(反応機構,生物活性など),第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P022 Influence of protein structure on the adsorption of human lysozyme onto hydroxyapatite(29. Protein structure and dynamics (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 1P325 The effect of active peptide mobility and conformation on cell morphology(11. Morphogenesis and cell adhesion,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 温度勾配炉(GHF)を用いた高精度拡散係数測定法の開発 (Liquid structure and transport properties of high temperature metallic Melts)