Shiokawa Yoshinobu | Institute for Materials Resarch, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Resarch, Tohoku University | 論文
- Bulk Amorphous Ni_Nb_5M_xP_B_y (M=Cr, Mo) Alloys with Large Supercooling and High Strength
- Structural and Magnetic Evolution in Self-Assembling Process of Nanometer-Sized Co Clusters
- Microstructure and Critical Current Density of YBa_2Cu_3O_-Ag Composites Compressed at High Temperature
- Enganced Shot Peening Effect for Steels by Using Fe-based Glassy Alloy Shots
- Synthesis of Sc_C_ Crystallites Encapsulated in Carbon Nanocapsules by Arc Evaporation of Sc-C Composite