Wakamatsu Takao | Faculty of Science and Engineering, Science University of Tokyo, JAPAN
論文 | ランダム
- サツマイモPorto Rico品種のcuringについて, LUTZ, J.M.: Curing and storage methods in relation to quality of Porto Rico sweetpotatoes. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circular No.699,1〜12(1944).: Chilling injury of cured and noncured Porto Rico sweetpotatoes. U.S.Dept.Agr.Circular No.
- アメリカ東南部諸州に於ける秋播きエンバクのモザイク病とその防除法, MC KINNEY, H.H. et al. (1949) Mosaics of winter oats and their control in the southeastern States. U.S. Agr. Dept. Circular No. 809. 1〜17.
- ジャガイモ紅丸の漣葉性モザイク病のバイラスに就て (昭和23年度關東部會)
- 植物の腫瘍性(tumor)バイラス病, (1)BLACK,L.M: A virus tumor disease of plants. Amer. J.Bot.32(7)407-415 1945(2)MARAMOROSCH, K,BRAKKE, M.K.&BLACK,L.M: Mechanical transmission of a plant tumor virus to an insect vecter, Science. 110(2850)162-163 1949.(3)DE ROPP,R.S: Pl
- ジャガイモ農林一號の條斑モザイク病