登 勉 | 三重大学大学院医学系研究科 臨床検査医学
論文 | ランダム
- Impact of menstrual and reproductive factors on breast cancer risk in Japan : Results of the JACC study
- A prospective study of reproductive and menstrual factors and colon cancer risk in Japanese women : Findings from the JACC study
- A prospective study on the possible association between having children and colon cancer risk : Findings from the JACC Study
- Smoking and Colorectal Cancer in a Non-Western Population : a Prospective Cohort Study in Japan
- ゆるみ止め対策 ゆるみ止め用接着剤の選択指針 (特集 新人設計者のための機械の締結技術入門) -- (ねじ編)