Takatsuji Koichi | Department of Health Science, School of Nursing, Osaka Prefecture University
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- Department of Health Science, School of Nursing, Osaka Prefecture Universityの論文著者
論文 | ランダム
- Enzymes of the Glutamate and Asparate Synthetic Pathways in a Glutamate-Producing Bacterium,Brevibacterium flavum
- 「近世日本海運史の研究」上村雅洋
- 近世海運業における廻船経営の特質--賃積船と買積船をめぐって
- 近世後期--明治期における風待ち港の船問屋と北前船--雲州鷺浦の「船御改控帳」の分析
- Altered Regulatory Mechanisms for Tryptophan Syntesis in Fluorotryptophan-Resistant Mutants of Brevibacterium flavun