松本 幸正 | 名城大学理工学部社会基盤デザイン工学科
論文 | ランダム
- 光放射の計測-2, 2つの照度測定 : 校正誤差を除去する, Tregenza, P. R., Paired Illuminance Measurements : Eliminating Calibration Error, Lighting, Research and Technology, Vol.30, No.3, pp.133-134, 1998
- 基礎事項-3 芸術と科学の光 : 照明設計における手法, Loe, D. L. : The Art and Science of Lighting : A Strategy for Lighting Design [International journal of Lighting Reseach and Technology, Vol. 28, No.4, pp. 153-164 (1996)]
- 基礎事項-2 招待評論, Berman, S. and Liebel, B. : Essay by Invitation [Lighting Design + Application, Vol. 26, No. 11, pp. 11-17 (1996)]
- 照明器具-2 電子安定器の力率改善手法, Berezin, M. Yu., Kovake, Yu. I. and Remnev, A. M. : Methods of Improving the Power Factor of Electronic Ballast [Light & Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 32-35 (1997)]
- 照明施設-2 一屋外照明, Caminada, J.F.: Outdoor Lighting [Lighting Design and Application, No.12, pp.28-31 (1997)]