大西 豊 | 正会員佐藤工業 (株) 大阪支店土木部技術課
論文 | ランダム
- Direct measurement of oxygen concentration inside cultured cartilage for relating to spatial growth of rabbit chondrocytes
- Reduction in intraocular pressure by the instillation of eye drops containing disulfiram included with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in rabbit
- Poster: The preliminary study of relationship between cutaneous electrogastrography and effects of stimulating acupoint Hou-san-li (Proceedings: The Third Academic Conference of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine: The 46th Scientific Confere
- 「うさぎ」を題材とした身体表現の効果的な指導方法の研究(2)言葉掛けと集団の効果に着目して
- 灰谷健次郎『兎の眼』を読む--教育と「生きがい」について