Mine Takayuki | Saga Prefectural Ariake Fisheries Research and Development Center
Saga Prefectural Ariake Fisheries Research and Development Center | 論文
- Stocking effectiveness of hatchery-released kuruma prawns estimated by two-stage sampling of commercial catch in Ariake Sound, Japan
- Growth and spawning of hatchery-reared Chinese white prawn Penaeua (Fenneropenaeus) chinensis released in the Ariake Sea, Japan
- Marine mucilage in Ariake Sound, Japan, is composed of transparent exopolymer particles produced by the diatom Coscinodiscus granii
- 08-157 海苔スミノリ症病原細菌の系統分類(分類/系統解析,研究発表)
- ソウジソコミジンコ(新称)Amphiascus sp.(カイアシ亜網,ソコミジンコ目)によるノリ糸状体培養カキ殻の付着珪藻除去効果