萩原 行人 | (独)物質・材料研究機構
(独)物質・材料研究機構 | 論文
- Gr.122鋼溶接継手のクリープ強度と損傷の評価
- Microstructural Changes and Type-IV Damage Evolutions during Creep in High Cr Steel Welds
- Deformation and Fracture in Small Punch Creep Tests, and Influence Factors on Creep Rupture Life (Testing Environment and Radius of Lower Die)
- Characterization of Creep Crack Growth Rate at the Early Stage and Estimation of Creep Crack Initiation Life for High Cr Steels and Their Weldments
- ディスク型固相剤を用いた固相抽出分離/ICP-MSによる鉄鋼分析