岩田 研二 | 花の丘病院 リハビリテーション科
論文 | ランダム
- PJ-247 Adjunctive distal embolic protection should be performed during primary coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction with right coronary artery(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 10 (IHD) : PJ42)(Poster Session (Jap
- MS4-8 上気道におけるBLyS発現について(アレルゲン,免疫療法,ウイルス免疫, 第19回日本アレルギー学会春季臨床大会)
- 施設栽培早生ウンシュウミカンの花芽分化と夏枝母枝中のタンパク、アミノ酸、糖及びサイトカイニンの関連
- PJ-104 The Efficacy of Using Tapered-Tip Guidewires for Long Chronic Total Occlusion (>20mm)(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 5 (IHD) : PJ18)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PE-356 Long-term Nitrate Therapy Induce Coronary Endothelial Dysunction and Tolerance to Nitroglycerin in Patients with Myocardial Infarction(Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Basic/Clinical 4 (H) : PE61)(Poster Session (English))