Morita Toshiaki | Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. | 論文
- 共蒸着保護層を用いたカラープラズマディスプレイの発光特性の改善とエージング特性
- Improvement of Luminous Efficiency in Barrier-Electrode Color ac Plasma Displays by Using a Double Protecting Layer
- Low-Latency Superscalar and Small-Code-Size Microcontroller Core for Automotive, Industrial, and PC-Peripheral Applications(Integrated Electronics)
- A 120-MHz BiCMOS Superscalar RISC Processor (Special Section on the 1993 VLSI Circuits Symposium (Joint Issue with the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.29, No.4 April 1994))
- New Room-Temperature Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Material Constants and Electro-Optic Properties