MUKAI Tsunehiro | Department of Biochemistry, Kyushu University School of Medicine
Department of Biochemistry, Kyushu University School of Medicine | 論文
- Microtubule Reorganization and Lysosome Redistribution by a Viral v-src Oncogene, in Mouse Balb/3T3 Cells Expressing Human EGF Receptor
- The time course of gap-junctional protein connexin 32 expression in the pancreas after the induction of acute pancreatitis by caerulein in rats
- VIP Attenuation of the Severity of Experimental Pancreatitis Is Due to VPAC_1 Receptor-Mediated Inhibition of Cytokine Production
- Overexpression of Multidrug Resistance Protein Gene in Human Cancer Cell Lines Selected for Drug Resistance to Epipodophyllotoxins
- Intramural Hematoma of the Cecum as the Lead Point of Intussusception in an Elderly Patient with Hemophilia A : Report of a Case