CHINO Koichi | Energy Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
Energy Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- A Two-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Fuel Flow in a Carburetor (1 st Report, Numerical Simulation of Fuel Flow in Carburetor) : Series B : Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Magnetic Field Analysis during Breakdown Phase in the Low Loop Resitance Tokamak HT-2
- Characteristics of Disruptive Plasma Current Decay in the HT-2 Tokamak
- Magnetic Analysis of Plasma Configuration in Tokamak Experiment Using Boundary Element Method
- Experimental Study on Electromagnetic Interactions between Plasmas and a Vacuum Vessel during Disruptions in the Hitachi Tokamak HT-2