KELBAUGH PAUL | Pfizer Central Research
Pfizer Central Research | 論文
- Production of 6-Deoxy-13-cyclopropyl-Erythromycin B by Saccharopolyspora erythraea NRRL 18643
- Production of Tuberactinamine A by Streptomyces griseoverticillatus var. tuberacticus NRRL 3482 Fed with (S)-2-Aminoethyl-L-cysteine
- Selective Production of Capreomycins through Mutation and Medium Development
- Novel Anthelmintic Metabolites from an Aspergillus Species; the Aspergillimides
- The pharmacology of sildenafil, a novel and selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 5 (第27回薬物活性シンポジウム講演要旨集)