OKUIZUMI Hiroyasu | Mimaki Onsen (Spa) Clinic
Mimaki Onsen (Spa) Clinic
OKADA Shinpei
Physical Education and Medicine Research Foundation
Kamioka Hiroharu
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
KAMIOKA Hiroharu
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Mutoh Yoshiteru
Department Of Physical And Health Education Graduate School Of Education The University Of Tokyo
MUTOH Yoshiteru
Department of Health and Physical Education, The University of Tokyo
HANDA Shuichi
Mimaki Onsen (Spa) Clinic
Physical Education and Medicine Research Center Unnan
Okada Shinpei
Physical Education and Medicine Research Center, Tomi City
MUTOH Yoshiteru
Department of Physical and Health Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
- Effectiveness of Aquatic Exercise and Balneotherapy : A Summary of Systematic Reviews Based on Randomized Controlled Trials of Water Immersion Therapies
- Clinical factors as predictors of the risk of falls and subsequent bone fractures due to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
- Effectiveness of intervention for low back pain in female caregivers in nursing homes : a pilot trial based on multicenter randomization
- Effectiveness of Aquatic Exercise and Balneotherapy: A Summary of Systematic Reviews Based on Randomized Controlled Trials of Water Immersion Therapies
- The effect of obstacle height and maximum step length (MSL) on obstacle crossing in healthy adults