鍛冶 秀文 | 田辺製薬薬物動態研究所
田辺製薬薬物動態研究所 | 論文
- Induction of Glutathione S-Transferases and Hepatocellular Proliferating Activities in the Rat Liver Treated with tert-Butylated Hydroxyanisole, 1, 2-Bis(2-Pyridyl)Ethylene, and Phenobarbital
- 猫の食道腺扁平上皮癌の一例(短報)
- Immunohistochemical Study on Hepatic Component Cells and Extracellular Matrix in Wistar Rats with Galactosamine-induced Acute Hepatitis
- マウスのリンパ系・造血系組織におけるT-2トキシン誘発アポトーシス
- T-2 Toxin-induced Apoptosis in Peyer's Patches of Mice