池部 千賀子 | Department of Biology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
Department of Biology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University | 論文
- 中国江蘇省の小, 中, 高校生におけるブタクサ・カモガヤ花粉への感作に関する疫学研究
- Allergic Sensitization to Ragweed and Orchard Grass Pollens among Chinese Schoolchildren : An Epidemiological Study in Jiangsu Province
- Relationship between pollen counts of Cryptomeria japonica and Cupressaceae and the severity of allergic symptoms
- Cytotaxonomy of the Thelypteris japonica Complex (Thelypteridaceae)
- Cytotaxonomic Studies of Thelypteris angustifrons Complex (Thelypteridaceae)