松原 敏樹 | Department of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital
Department of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital | 論文
- 浸潤性膵管癌の上皮内癌部と非浸潤性粘液性嚢胞腺癌(巨房型)の被覆上皮内癌に連続性がみられた1例
- Clinicopathology of pancreaticobiliary maljunction : relationship between alterations in background biliary epithelium and neoplastic development
- Surgical treatment of intraductal papillary-mucinous tumor (IPMT) of the pancreas : operative indications based on surgico-pathologic study focusing on invasive carcinoma derived from IPMT
- Extended Left Hepatectomy by Severing All Major Hepatic Veins with Reconstruction of the Right Hepatic Vein
- Surgery for multiple hepatic colorectal metastases