鈴木 雅之 | 国立病院機構東京医療センター/消化器科
論文 | ランダム
- Detection of recurrent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by HPV test after LEEP conization(Oncology 8)
- Antibodies Prevalence against HPV-6b and -16 Recombinant Fusion Proteins in Korean Patients with Cervical Neoplasia
- IS-2 Immunologic Diagnosis and Monitoring of Cervical Cancers using In Vitro Translated HPV Proteins
- IS-1 Seroreactivities to HPV-16 Virus Like Particles (VLPs) using ELISA in the Patients with Cervial Neoplasia
- 圧電セラミックスを利用した振動吸収--振動エネルギー吸収とアクティブ制振の両面からの制振技術