池田 聡 | 鹿児島大学病院 リハビリテーション科
論文 | ランダム
- Detection of Initiation Activity of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in in Vivo Medium-Term Liver Initiation Assay System Using 4-Week-Old Rats without Hepatocellular Proliferative Stimuli during the Test Chemical Treatment Period
- Fluvoxamine Inhibits Weight Gain and Food Intake in Food Restricted Hyperphagic Wistar Rats(Pharmacology)
- Inhibitory Effect of Natural Coumarin Compounds, Esculetin and Esculin, on Oxidative DNA Damage and Formation of Aberrant Crypt Foci and Tumors Induced by 1, 2-Dimethylhydrazine in Rat Colons(Pharmacology)
- A Probiotic Strain of Bacillus polyfermenticus Reduces DMH Induced Precancerous Lesions in F344 Male Rat(Miscellaneous)
- ゲノムアレイを用いたDNAメチル化解析法--MIAMI,DMH,MeDIP,MeCP2,アレイに搭載するゲノム領域 (特集 DNAメチル化・ヒストン解析による疾患解明の新戦略 エピジェネティクスの最新テクノロジー)