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論文 | ランダム
- ASME CODEにもとずく構造物溶接部の溶接手順とその確性試験--炭素鋼製圧力容器胴体部周および長手溶接部の場合について
- ASME CODEにもとづく構造物溶接部の溶接手順とその確認試験--TIG自動溶接管の場合について
- Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics : the Cardiff Grammar as an extension and simplification of Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar
- Evaluating Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Antiepileptic Drug Therapy
- Seroepidemiology of HBV and HCV in Korea: the decreasing prevalence rate of HBV infection after launching HB vaccination program