増田 卓也 | 物材機構 ナノ材料科学環境拠点
論文 | ランダム
- An Extraordinary Type of Thermal Behavior of Soft Modes when T→T_c-0. Extraordinary Types, Caused by It, of T Dependence of Electric and Elastic Properties near T_c
- A Further Study of Stirrability and Unstirrability among Soft Modes
- Interpretations of the Sequence of Transitions in Barium Sodium Niobate, Ba_2NaNb_5O_
- Supplement to a Recent Thermodynamic Theory of the Incommensurate Transitions in NaNO_ Accounting for the Observed ε vs T Curve Just Above the Incommensurate-to-Ferroelectric Transition Point
- On the Orders of Lineal Phase Transitions