松本 光司 | Department of Surgery, The Second Hospital of Nippon Medical School
論文 | ランダム
- The Tasks Ahead in Comparative Economic Studies: What Should We Be Comparing? (特集:比較経済研究の新地平)
- 507 ベローズ型伸縮管継手の新形状による高寿命化(GS-3 疲労・破壊(1))
- On the Role of the Convection Term in the Equations of Motion of Incompressible Fluid(Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics)
- BOOK REVIEWS/CENTRAL ASIA The Holy Mountain: Studies on Upper Altai Oral Poetry. By Lauri Harvilahti in collaboration with Zoja S. Kazagaceva
- Superfast-Trainable Multi-Class Probabilistic Classifier by Least-Squares Posterior Fitting