高橋 秀禎 | 東北大学第2外科学教室
論文 | ランダム
- A statistical selection of on-plate sites based on a VLBI global solution
- Morphological Studies on Age Changes of Arterial Walls and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Human Aorta and Cerebral Arteries, and Effects of Lipoproterins on Proliferation of Monkey Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells : Symposium on Atherosclerosis; Its Progress
- 消臭剤が室内ガス状汚染物質濃度に与える影響に関する研究,雰囲気対応型消臭剤における試験評価法の提案と消臭液の化学物質除去性能
- Global solution of VLBI observations and assessments
- SLO-Photostress Recovery Test